First circular
We are pleased to announce that the conference CosmoSur VI will be held at the Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba, Córdoba (Argentina) OAC – Sitio web del Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba , from October 18th through October 22nd, 2021. It is worth mentioning that this year marks exactly 150 years since the creation of the Astronomical Observatory of Córdoba.
The CosmoSur meetings aim to provide an environment to strengthen the relationships of South American researchers mainly in the areas of Cosmology and Gravitation; creating suitable spaces for communication and exhibition of the work of different groups and stimulating the training of students and young researchers, integrating research topics and allowing direct communication between them and different Latin American groups. This meeting has the characteristic of directly linking both theoretical and observational researchers, thus involving Latin American astronomers and physicists in different aspects of relativistic cosmology and astrophysics.
CosmoSur VI intends to repeat the success of the first five meetings that were held in Brazil, Chile and Argentina.
The conference languages will be English, Portuguese and Spanish.
The list of invited speakers includes:
- Federico Carrasco / IFEG-CONICET-Argentina
- Farinaldo da Silva Queiros / Institute of International Physics – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
- Elisa Ferreira / Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics. Garching, Germany (To be confirmed)
- Elizabeth Gonzalez / IATE-CONICET-Argentina
- Nelson Padilla / Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Oliver Piattella / Physics Department, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
- Claudia Scoccola / Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas UNLP – CONICET, Argentina
- Nelson Videla / Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
The main dates are:
Meeting: October, 18 – 22 , 2021.
Deadline for Registration: August 15, 2021.
Deadline for reception of Abstracts: August 30, 2021.
The registration fee is of AR$ 4000.- (pesos argentinos), or equivalently U$S 40.- (US dollars); except for phd/undergraduate students. This fee will be charged on the day the event starts at the Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. If the conference cannot be held in person, due to health measures taken by the authorities in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually and in this case no registration fee will be charged. The final decision on the type of meeting (in-person or virtual) will be announced on August 1.
For registration and updates on the meeting please check the conference’s web page:
Questions should be addressed to the Conference’s email: